Navigation components index

Lists on multiple colomns using the <table> tag, and table for data presentation

Component use

The tag <table> is used to layout lists on multiple columns as well as for data presentation typically done using tables.
Referring to the minimum screen size of 800x600 pixel it is suggested:

Types of table

Alternate colored rows (lists of links)

The table is done using the tag <table cellspacing="0" class="alternateRows">
The <tr> corresponding with the table header uses the class <tr class="bgGrayLi">
The <tr> having the gray background uses the class <tr class="bgBeige">

Lines (lists of links)

The table is done using the tag <table cellspacing="0" class="horizontalLine">
The <tr> corresponding with the table header uses the class <tr class="bgBeige">

Invisible grid (lists of links)

The table is done using the tag <table cellspacing="0" class="invisible">
This type of table is used to layout list of items on more than 5 columns (see the example). Note that the following sample doesn't use the <thead> , it has only the <tbody> .

Gray grid with light gray background

The table is done using the tag <table cellspacing="0" class="grid bgBeige">
The <tr> corresponding with the table header uses the classes <tr class="bgGrayMe white">

Gray grid with white background

The table is done using the tag <table cellspacing="0" class="grid">
The <tr> corresponding with the table header uses the class <tr class="bgBeige">

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